We lead by example through guiding, teaching, and stewardship.


Some of the worlds best steelhead fishing is right here in Oregon. Being located in the heart of steelhead country, gives us the opportunity to catch chrome-bright steelhead twelve months of the year. We provide the best opportunity for success and we have the most fun doing it. We are not elitist, we just prefer to catch steelhead in the best way possible, on the swing!

Photography provided by:

Jeremy Koreski, Darcy Bacha, Louis Cahill, Val Atkinson, Steve Turner and Andy Wood



Floating lines, dry flies, curious and aggressive Summer run steelhead. The lowest sections of both the Dean and Deschutes Rivers are quite possibly the two best steelhead fisheries on the planet. Both flow swiftly through picturesque roadless canyons, both are unimaginable 

Dean and Deschutes Rivers →


Sink tips, big flies, big fish. Winter run steelhead live on the wet, west-side of Oregon in the green waters of forested rivers surrounded by mossy rocks and towering evergreens. The rainy climate requires versatility, we go where we need to for the best odds of success

Willamette Valley and Coastal Rivers →